Thank you for taking a moment to visit our website in order to learn more about us and chiropractic. We hope you find this information helpful. The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
Tell us about your health history and daily health habits. Our verbal consultation regarding your health and symptoms that you are experiencing is important. Dr. Ray knows the benefits of chiropractic care first hand because like many people, Dr. Ray was injured in an auto crash at 16. Being a baseball player and golfer, Dr. Ray could no longer play sports.
Our Mission is treating people with the quality and integrity to keep people well adjusted. Communicating with the community, clients, the media and government officials regarding how we can help better take care of people. The Job description? We need a person to move and organize and keep things clean.
You heard about doing it, you read about doing it. However, you don't warm-up, stretch or hydrate the way you should, could, and would if you knew how important it is for you in sports. Your bones need to be in the proper alignment in order for you to call upon yourself to do the basics, as well as the extraordinary.
Reviews (2)
Tiffanie Quinn
Dec 09, 2021
David Cabrera
Dec 02, 2021