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Yoganetics Formerly a dancer, Wyatt Townley, E-RYT, directed her own firm in New York. She developed Yoganetics as a means of shifting the attention from the mirror to the world within. Her therapeutic technique has evolved over decades of teaching and a lifetime of study in the area of mind/body fitness.
Yoganetics (from yoga and kinetic) is a flow-based system of hatha yoga. Done on the floor, Yoganetics extends yoga into slow motion, emphasizing breathing and alignment while stretching and strengthening all major muscle groups. While gentle, it is deep and transformative work. Rather than focusing on position, Yoganetics explores the nature of transition-the motion between poses that sews them together in a nonstop movement meditation. Whether you're a beginner or a veteran yogi, it's how you move, not how far, that matters.
Research and results are bringing the yoga and medical communities closer each day. But statistics aside, yoga teaches us to attend to the whole and profound being that we are, and that is immeasurable.
People of all ages, sizes, and fitness levels do Yoganetics. Male or female, in-shape or out, Yoganetics honors you as you are and addresses the needs you bring with you. Our approach is gentle, yet deep. Because Yoganetics is done on the floor, it's easy on the joints and a smart choice for older people or those with knee, back, or chronic pain syndromes such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. On the elite end of the fitness scale, seasoned athletes, dancers, and yogis find that Yoganetics adds dimension to their training.
As yogis, our job is to put the body into a poetic state where it can move beyond imagined limitations. Figurative language can deliver us there. Metaphors take us where we're not and show us the interconnectedness of life by talking about one thing in terms of another. By making these unexpected associations in yoga, we can reach part of ourselves we didn't know existed.
For maximum benefit, it is highly recommended that the Complete Course be taken. Yoganetics is a twice-weekly comprehensive experience that runs in twelve-week cycles. Studying twice weekly helps transfer what you are learning on the mat into daily life, where it counts. New material is introduced in every class, and support goes beyond the classroom.
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