Specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture, herbal remedies, Tui Na, and moxibustion. We commonly treat patients with conditions treated unsuccessfully by traditional Western Medicine and, in fact, receive many referrals from local medical practitioners.
Glenn Abelson — I went to Dr. Kim Yoo starting in April 2015. Initially I went just for back pain, related to sciatica. She took my pulse
Hypnosis Therapies for Smoking cessation, Losing weight, Habits, Fears & Phobias of all kinds. Dirk Patrick, a Certified Hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, accepts clients in the following areas: Stop smoking, weight loss, pain control, painless child birth, corporate programs, working with sales people, removing negative emotional imprints, building self-confidence, Removing
P.T. — Hypnosis KC,
"I wrote this testimonial to let people know my story so others can see just how well Dirk Patrick's
If you are looking for a Family Chiropractor in Salina, KS, trust your care to a practice built on experience, compassion, and advanced technology. I'm a Chiropractor who focuses on rapidly helping my patients overcome the spine pain that dominates and dictates their lives. I achieve this by spending time with my patients, properly diagnosing their conditions, closely monitoring their response to care
Shawn Ammons — My son a is 6.4 freshman basketball player. Dr. Temple has really help him with his back. He is really interested in Kreed
As doctors of chiropractic, we understand that although some of our patients may be diagnosed with the same condition, they respond very differently to treatments. For this reason, we tailor a specific plan of action to meet your needs, goals & unique medical and physical condition. Finding a chiropractor who understands changing health care needs and the most current techniques and approaches to addressing
Rebecca Micki Wilson — Dr. Justin Fulk is the best! The staff makes you feel like you have known them for years. Friendly, helpful, and down to
Our aim at Armstrong Chiropractic and Rehabilitation is to assist our patients enjoy the best quality of life. We've dedicated ourselves to relieving pain and guiding our patients to better health. Dr. Armstrong provides a complete range of chiropractic services to suit the requirements of the whole family. If you have any questions, please contact our office for more information.
J. Boston — Excellent experience every appointment! The staff and doctors are very friendly and communicate very well.
At Wilbeck Chiropractic we are here to help you achieve optimal wellness so you can live the healthy life you deserve! We use a "holistic" approach to treat patients. This means we evaluate the whole person to pinpoint the root cause of patient health issues. Then we tackle issues with non-invasive, drug-free targeted chiropractic treatment, nutrition and exercise.
Adrian Garza — Staff is very friendly and very welcoming! I'm checked in quickly and taken care of properly and quickly as well! Will and
Chiropractic is one of the most amazing healthcare professions, but very few people understand what it's all about. We are here to help you gain a basic understanding of how our Lenexa chiropractors can help you and your family. Chiropractic care is the practice of using spinal alignment to alleviate a wide variety of physical ailments, including muscle strain, neck pain, chronic back pain, and more
Angie M. — I was referred to Meylor Chiropractic after being involved in an auto accident. The staff was welcoming and extremely kind
Situated in the middle of Manhattan, the leading health specialists at Sorell-Iversen Chiropractic Clinic are committed to assisting you reach your wellness objectives -- combining skill and expertise that spans the whole chiropractic wellness spectrum.
Lisa Judy — I have been a patient of Dr. Sorell since 2010. He is an excellent chiropractor. As an ARMY wife of 22 years, I have visited
Welcome to Drake Chiropractic. Over the years, we continue to be unmatched in terms of providing chiropractic therapy in Wichita. We only want to provide our Chiropractor Wichita patients fantastic solutions to relieve their pain.
Brittany Biles — Sending fat phobic cold texts? "Be the skinny person everybody loved"? What the actual living eff you see kay is wrong with
Although sometimes straightforward, diagnosing and testing for food allergies is often more difficult than patients imagine. Clear communication is essential. If you do not speak or understand English well, please consider bringing a family member or friend to come with you to translate. Dr. Binkley is an Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto in the Division of Clinical
Important Messages — Rudest person I have ever met in my life. She asked questions and interrupted the answer over and over again. She got mad