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Allison Crawford - Acupuncturist Acupuncture has been used to successfully diagnose, treat, and prevent disease for over 2,000 years. Acupuncture relieves pain, strengthens the body's natural defenses, improves organ function and promotes overall well being. Acupuncture is such a profound and complex system of medicine that it has positive effects on most ailments. I have effectively treated pain, allergies, anxiety, headaches, infertility, digestive problems, and many other issues. If you struggle with health issues that affect your quality of life, you can benefit from acupuncture treatment.
Most health problems are caused by imbalances in the body. Acupuncture focuses on alleviating these imbalances so that the body can heal itself. The body has an innate healing response, and it is only when the body cannot repair itself that a problem becomes chronic. Acupuncture restarts or resets this healing process to resolve the problem.
Many women of all ages are told they have diminished ovarian reserve. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) are different ways of measuring ovarian reserve. Intra-vaginal ultrasound is also useful to determine the antral follicle count and size of the ovaries. High FSH and low AMH are linked to poor egg quality and conception rates, both stand-alone or in an intra-uterine insemination (IUI) or an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle.FSH is the hormone your pituitary gland produces to trigger your ovaries to develop follicles in preparation for ovulation.
Much of the attention acupuncture for infertility has received is due to its effect in IVF success rates. This is probably the area that has been studied most thoroughly with relation to fertility acupuncture. Studies have shown an increase in success rate from 10-65%. Because IVF is such an expensive and time-consuming process it makes sense to do whatever one can to increase the chance of success, which explains the rise in popularity of acupuncture in combination with IVF.The best time to seek acupuncture treatment prior to an IVF cycle is three months prior.
For over 3,000 years, Traditional Chinese Medicine has promoted specialized treatment for women in pregnancy care and postpartum recovery. Today, this care is becoming increasingly popular and practiced by acupuncturists and specially trained midwives. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal recovery are viewed as a window of opportunity to enhance the woman's well being.
Reviews (1)
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Uma M. Mange
Jan 16, 2018
I have been going to Allison for Acupunture treatment for almost 4 years now. She is amazing! On time, remembers all of the previous conversations we have had so the check in time is super short. The office is clean, and the rooms are comfy, I fall asleep to music almost all the time. I have been to see her for both my pregnancies and she has helped me with pain management and relaxation. I highly recommend Allison.