Somehow you poured the life energy back into me.and renewed my spirit! Athletes, dancers, and many other people in demanding professions have turned to the San Francisco Acupuncture Clinic of Dr. Xiang for treatment and assistance. Acupuncture is most effective in the disorders associated with skeletal muscle spasm, and with visceral muscle spasm such as dysmenorrhea and diarrhea.
When Dr. Xiang finds products of exceptional quality in China that are not available in the United States, he brings them back for his clients. If there is not a product available in any country that meets his expectations or the special needs of his clients and patients, he designs one himself. Now he's making some of them available to you!
Dr. Xiang is, not surprisingly, a firm believer in both acupuncture and his skill as a doctor. But what is surprising is the success he has had in treating himself. He has had 7 herniated disks, and yet he plays vigorous tennis matches 3 times a week! When he was first diagnosed with herniated disks, he even scheduled surgery because his pain was so excruciating, and he was told an operation was the only solution. But while waiting, he decided to design a course of acupuncture treatment for himself to relieve some of the pain.
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