Acupuncture Methods Acupuncture is an inexpensive, non-intrusive, pre-modern form of medical therapy. It is one of the oldest continuously practiced healing systems. Anyone can benefit - even those whose problems resist modern medical methods or when there is no specific diagnosis. Tao is the Chinese character which, loosely translated, means 'The Way'.
Huang di asked: I wish to be instructed on the relative charges of the twelve zang and their relative ranks. If then the sovereign radiates (virtue), those under him will be at peace. From this the nurturing of life will give longevity, from generation to generation, and the empire will radiate with a great light.
For patients who require, and who intend to follow a course of treatments, a reduced rate is negotiable. There is no insurance billing, however, a receipt can be provided for patients who seek reimbursement on their own. Number of treatments? How frequent? Treatment plans are individualized; however, a typical course of treatments begins with 4-6 weekly visits.
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