The Natural Path To Healing is a comprehensive natural medicine clinic in Woodinville, WA. We offer holistic medicine in the form of acupuncture, naturopathic primary care, naturopathic physical medicine, massage therapy and herbs and supplements. We accept all forms of insurance.
Angie Sulzer — I see Dr. Whitehead for massage and she is wonderful. She is so knowledgeable and can pinpoint the troubled areas immediately
Acupuncture is a therapy that use fine needles to puncture the body at strategic points to enhance the body's ability to heal and relieve pain. Acupuncture is most effective tool we have for relieving pain. Chinese Herbal Medicine is a highly evolved system that is able to treat a wide variety of diseases.
Cynthia Tam — I was referred by Dr. Adam Heck and Susan is by far the best acupuncturist I've ever seen. She has been immensely helpful
Here you can find information about holistic approach to health, natural healing modalities, and preventative strategies that have helped numerous patients regain their health. If you ever wanted to be pain-free and healthy, but were worried about side effects of conventional medications, if you wanted to experience comprehensive medical care that takes into consideration your unique personal characteristics
Julie Fairfield — I started seeing Dr Naydis about 10 months ago. I was experiencing chronic fatigue, a lot of physical pain, dizziness and
Butterfield Chiropractic offers a wide range of natural, effective therapies that enable our patients to Get Back Into Life. Without restful sleep, you greatly increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and hypertension. Just like adults, children have bones, joints, nerves and muscles that need attention from time to time.
Jennifer Ikeda — He really saved me years ago when I was pregnant and after my baby. I just returned recently and it is remarkable how much
Naturopathic practice includes many different modalities and practitioners emphasize a holistic approach to patient care.
Rachel S. — I have been working with Dr. Fariba at Health Moves and it has been a great experience. She is very well versed in chronic