Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Energy Healing, Neuro-Emotional Therapy, Reiki, Essential Oil Treatments, Homeopathic Remedies, Nutrition Supplements. Health and Wellness Clinic Serving Utah- Holistic Doctors & Practitioners providing a place for individuals to reach their optimum health and wellness- to Heal, Learn, become Aware, and Awaken your potential.
Millions of people regularly experience the natural, drug-free approach to optimum health and wellness through chiropractic, acupuncture treatments, and other wellness modalities. Dr. Trent Burrup is a chiropractor who provides outstanding chiropractic and wellness care to patients in the Salt Lake City and surrounding areas.
Summer Katzenbach — Dr. Burrup seriously helped me heal! No other doctors could help me- literally years of trying to get help. I'd been feeling