Stepping Stone Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine is a full service acupuncture clinic serving Wellesley, MA and surrounding communities. We offer acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy, nutritional and lifestyle advising, electroacupuncture, cupping, tui na (massage), gwa sha, noninsertive acupressure, auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture). We treat both adults and children (with parental/guardian approval
Brad Coons — The most comprehensive health/wellness/physical therapy practice around. Stepping Stones is a stellar team of professionals
As a Licensed Psychologist and long time Yoga teacher. Dr. Khalsa brings a unique humor and personal touch to her work as a psychologist and to her classes and workshops. You can become the person you want to be. Dr. Khalsa has a lot of success helping people to achieve their dreams. She is a co-author of Radiance and Victory, A Woman's Way to Prosperity and she also wrote a chapter in another book