At Sunset, we specialize in women's health and fertility as well as pain management. Acupuncture can also treat allergies, asthma, digestive disorders, headaches, cold, flus and more... A wide range of acupuncture services are offered, providing benefits for a variety of medical conditions. The health services section details the specific services, what to expect as a patient, and the practice and
I'm a homeopath and intuitive practitioner in Thousand Oaks, California. Hopefully this site will give you a better idea of what homeopathy is, whether it's for you, and whether I might be the right practitioner for you. If you are at all interested in working with me, please call me to discuss your situation, and we can explore whether there is a good match between what you're looking for and what
Longevity Massage — I worked with Laurie for over 10 years. The transformation was profound. I wouldn't be where I am today without her assistance