New Patients are welcome to Acupuncture POINTS in Oak Park, IL, where we specialize in treating back pain, anxiety, fertility, and much more using acupuncture, herbs, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Our acupuncture clinic is located in Oak Park, accessible from Chicago Loop, River Forest, Berwyn, Elmwood Park, Forest Park, and other Chicagoland Suburban neighborhoods.
S. Lloyd — Yosef has been a consistent, knowledgeable support to my family (parents, daughter, and myself) for the last several years
Since 1993, our clinic has provided an oasis of hope for patients from around the world who are trying to avoid joint surgery, as well as those who have already tried multiple treatments, including surgeries. On this site, you will learn more about our treatments, technology, and research, and how we achieve outstanding patient results because of our unique approach to Prolotherapy. If you are looking
Tina Willis — I have numerous symptoms mentioned on many of their videos related to cervical instability. Before you can become a patient