Cindy Perlin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a certified biofeedback practitioner. She has been helping people achieve their health and wellness goals for over 25 years. Her practice is located in Delmar, New York, near Albany. Cindy became interested in mind/body healing when, in 1978, she suffered a back injury that left her disabled and in chronic pain for three years. None of the conventional medical providers she consulted were able to help. Cindy healed herself using many of the techniques she now offers others.
Biofeedback is a treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their health and emotional wellbeing using signals from their own bodies. Sensitive electronic instruments are used to detect physiological changes with far greater precision than a person can alone. This feedback or information is used by the biofeedback practitioner to teach the individual how to control the physiological reactions that can lead to illness or that result from physical or emotional trauma.It is a safe, natural, drug-free approach to treating many common disorders.
Published research articles on the treatment of specific disorders with biofeedback or neurofeedback are available from Cindy Perlin by request. Articles are available on ADHD, autism, seizure disorders, TBI, fibromyalgia, RSD and other disorders. Are you interested in a drug-free approach to treating your current health problems that can also lead to a lifetime of better health and improved emotional well-being? If your answer is yes, . It is widely acknowledged that U.S. health care costs are bankrupting governments, businesses and families.
Lily (cat on left) is the youngest, friendliest and most playful. Like most cats, she naps a lot, but she won't mind waking up at any time to play with you or be petted. Ask about her special trick. Maggie (cat on right) is also very friendly. She's usually up for playing and petting, and always up for a treat.
Reviews (1)
Michelle C.
Mar 01, 2021