In this manner we incorporate modern therapeutic techniques with traditional theories and practice to deliver a true holistic health care system. Some of the modalities used are Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Heat Therapy, Tui Na, Cupping, Gwa Sha, Nutritional Advice, Corrective Exercises, Qi Gong, and Digital Infrared Medical Thermal Imaging.
Susan Shaw Saari is a licensed acupuncturist, certified by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine and a Board certified Chinese Herbologist and a nationally certified Diplomate in Acupuncture (NCCAOM). Biosynchronistics is a therapeutic method in which gentle hands-on pressure is applied knowledgeably in a scientifically coordinated way to bring your body into balance. Your body 'remembers' everything significant that happens to it. And your body has an inherent ability to heal itself.
Individual patients are evaluated as to the origination of their complaints and the roots of their issues are addressed. For example, a patient may suffer from headaches as do millions of individuals, but their reason for headache is very unique to them. Chinese medicine allows the practitioner to address their patient's unique patterns to resolve the imbalances of the body and restore health to body, mind and spirit.
What is Chinese Medicine? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is thousands of years old. It holds the view that the basis of good health is the harmonious balance of qi (pronounced "chee"), or vital energy, in the body. According to the paradigm, energy moves through the body along 14 main pathways called meridians.
Acupuncture as a therapeutic intervention is widely practiced in the United States. While there have been many studies of its potential usefulness, many of these studies provide equivocal results because of design, sample size, and other factors. The issue is further complicated by inherent difficulties in the use of appropriate controls, such as placebos and sham acupuncture groups.
Reviews (1)
Carol Jackson
Jan 09, 2018