I have studied and used homeopathy for over twenty five years, and I have practiced acupuncture for over a decade. Treating a person instead of a disease is the genius of homeopathy and acupuncture. Both stimulate your body's own healing systems so you may cope with disease naturally and better withstand future stresses.
Reviews (10)
Laura & Abel Licon
Jun 11, 2022
I cannot recommend CCAcupunture enough! Christa has been helping me feel more like my best self with treatments. I suffer from multiple autoimmune conditions and chronic pain and I've never felt so at ease before. If you've suffered long enough and want to live your best life, and take charge of your health- this is the place.
Tracie Mears
Feb 24, 2022
Suzi Bahnsen
Jan 26, 2022
Siobhan Martinez
Dec 24, 2021
I started acupuncture with a different provider a year ago with only minimal relief. I was about to give up, until my husband recommended Christa. In just a few sessions, I have noticed a significant decrease in my pain, and headaches are gone! I cannot recommend her enough, so glad I went to her and didn't give up!
Stacy Oldfield
Dec 16, 2021
Dec 06, 2021
Jul 26, 2021
I cannot say enough about Christa's talent and skills! She is amazing, intuitive and knows just what areas I need to have worked on. I've had multiple surgeries, cancer, chronic pain, and more - and she has helped immensely with all of it! Prices are reasonable, knowledge and everything is outstanding! I look forward to my next appointment!
Robyn Wooley
Jul 22, 2021
I am an RN, & I've been seeing Christa for about a year now. I have seen her both for what I call "overall feel good treatments" and I have also seen her with acute injury. She uses an intuitive and holistic approach to her treatments. I love soaking up all of her knowledge as she explains to me why she treats certain areas/what she is doing. It is very fascinating. I always leave her treatment room feeling reset and refreshed. She is a true healer!
Jul 17, 2021
Nov 20, 2019