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Dr. Jauch is a Chiropractor in Buffalo, NY. He has been providing chiropractic care to Buffalo area residents since 1999. Dr. Jauch focuses on special care and personal attention. He makes sure every patient understands what the latest health studies show us with regard to exercise, good nutrition, vitamin supplementation and chiropractic adjustments.
Modern day, 24 hour lifestyle has a way of screwing up our circadian rhythms. These rhythms are important for our general health overall. Proper hormone regulation relies on the timing of these day/night cycles. When they're working properly, you'll be alert during the day and sleepy at the appropriate time.
Many people are currently taking an aspirin a day to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack [by way of its blood thinning effect], and as an added bonus, reducing the risk of colorectal and gastrointestinal cancers by doing so. HOWEVER, the benefits of an aspirin a day need to be weighed against the potentially life threatening risk of gastrointestinal ulceration and hemorrhaging.
Can increase blood levels of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase [SOD] and glutathione peroxidase. These are key enzymes involved with reducing the body's free radical burden. Can lower stress levels pain, and increase quality of life. Study suggests that the adjustment affects brain glucose metabolism related to sympathetic relaxation and pain reduction Altern Ther Health Med.
Reviews (13)
Rob Grochowski
Apr 24, 2022
Lauren Mendolera
Apr 09, 2022
He's very attentive and skilled. He doesn't just administer a quick adjustment and move on. He takes the time and effort required to really understand and treat my problems and uses a variety of techniques to approach it from all angles. I feel better, short term and long term, because of my treatments with him.
Nicole Mendolera
Apr 07, 2022
Mar 31, 2021
I ride horses and could feel I needed to get readjusted for a few months now but what finally brought me into the office was a nasty fall I took backwards down my stairs and I knew it was time to go see Dr Jauch so I didn't heal wrong. I booked an appointment for the very next day after I had fallen and it was amazing what an improvement I felt right away with my injuries and also with my horseback riding the next day.
My injuries from falling down the stairs just feel like normal bruises now. No big ouch anymore and no more weird kinks. Everything else in my body just feels "right" again. When I was riding I finally was rid of my problem of feeling stiff in the wrong places. So much better aligned. My trainer said she also could see the improvement as well. Thank you! Thank you!
My injuries from falling down the stairs just feel like normal bruises now. No big ouch anymore and no more weird kinks. Everything else in my body just feels "right" again. When I was riding I finally was rid of my problem of feeling stiff in the wrong places. So much better aligned. My trainer said she also could see the improvement as well. Thank you! Thank you!
Todd Hariaczyi
Nov 28, 2020
I visited Dr. Jauch today after experiencing a variety of problems from sore muscles to numbness in my right hand (I figured it was a pinched nerve as it has happened before). Following my visit, I experienced a few unexpected benefits, including improved breathing and circulation, in addition to the usual improvements. It's remarkable what an adjustment can do to your entire body! I have been seeing Dr. Jauch for probably twenty years now, and he always surprises me with what he can do! I highly recommend his office!
Leslee Chilcott
Dec 31, 2019
Alicia Reeves
May 22, 2019
I was hesitant to try out chiropractic but after years of living in pain finally I decided it was time to give it a try. After my first adjustment my body felt like 20 years younger, and I had the best sleep I've had in years. I feel so silly now that I didn't do this way sooner. The next day my horseback riding instructor also was able to visibly see the improvement in my posture and I could feel my body working with me again instead of against me. Definitely would recommend Dr. Jauch!
Elizabeth Whitacre
Feb 18, 2019
Brighton Fuller
Aug 01, 2018
Kim Roberts Horning
Mar 07, 2017
Aubrey Thompson
Jan 19, 2017
I went in to see Dr. Jauch for severe and chronic tailbone pain which made it hard for me to stand, sit or walk. Dave first took the time to learn about my health history, family history and current habits that. may have led or contributed to the issue. Then he performed adjustments, stretches and massages where necessary. I am writing this review less than 24 hours later and am virtually pain-free! I highly recommend this place!
Stephanie Proulx
Oct 11, 2016
Annie Spano
Nov 24, 2015