Monthly Special ending 10/31 : Face-Neck Lift Acupuncture: $119/ per session at the Glendale office only.
Ac, CCH. heals and rejuvenates patients by using unique Painless Abdominal Acupuncture, Face-Neck lift acupuncture, Mind Body Counseling, Herbal Chinese Medicine and therapeutic massage that combine to regulate the hormone and endocrine mechanisms to restore a person's body, mind and spirit energy in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Glendale since 1988. During relaxing one-hour Mind Body Acupuncture sessions at the Glendale and Beverly Hills Acupuncture Wellness Center, many patients fall asleep!
Ac, CCH. heals and rejuvenates patients by using unique Painless Abdominal Acupuncture, Face-Neck lift acupuncture, Mind Body Counseling, Herbal Chinese Medicine and therapeutic massage that combine to regulate the hormone and endocrine mechanisms to restore a person's body, mind and spirit energy in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Glendale since 1988. During relaxing one-hour Mind Body Acupuncture sessions at the Glendale and Beverly Hills Acupuncture Wellness Center, many patients fall asleep!
Pain Management in Beverly Hills, Glendale, Los Angeles and Corona Ca. and Patients from Riverside CA. Pain is the unpleasant sensory and emotional experience an individual has when they perceive actual or potential tissue damage to their body. It can be Physical Pain or Psychogenic Pain. Pain is part of the body's defense system, triggering a reflex reaction to retract from the painful stimuli, and helps adjust behavior to increase avoidance of that particular harmful situation in the future.I am an athlete and pain is part of being one, however, the kind of pain I was the last couple weeks since my injury exceeded anything I had felt before.
I have suffered from Anxiety disorder and depression and I had taken antidepressant for 5 years, on top of that I had a disease called "Trichotillomania". It is a disorder involves irresistible urges to pull our hair. In my case, Eyebrows and Eye lashes. I did it in midnight and couldn't stop it and I had it for 5 years.
Any of our front desk staff members can and will assist you with any questions you may have with your insurance company or any other questions you may have. We will try our best to ensure that you will get your full benefits from your insurance company. We will contact them for you and verify your coverage; along with handling all the necessary paperwork.
Mind-Body Therapy utilizes Acupuncture and herbs integrating with Hypnosis therapy to facilitate deep relaxation and to eliminate the negative notions the patient's desire. Once that negative notions has been eliminated, the positive intentions that the patients came for are even more powerfully reinforced by the hypnotic suggestions.
Reviews (8)
Jenna E.
Jul 04, 2020
Dr. Lam is easily the best acupuncturist I have ever been to. I have been getting acupuncture every week for months now because I noticed how good I felt after every session. My friends and family even mentioned that I appear more calm, my skin looks youthful and I just seem overall "brighter". Treat yourself and book a session. You'll feel (and look) so much better!
Karen Gedissman Jablons
Jan 19, 2019
Joey J.
Nov 20, 2018
Pauline Felix
Jun 02, 2018
Dr Lam is a very spiritual provider who knows how to help them with his therapy. His bedside manner is fabulous. He explains his therapy fully and makes anyone who goes there trust him with his recommendations for therapy. I work as a nurse and whenever I pull any muscles or if I have any injury, I know I will always have Dr Lam to put me right. Thank you Dr Lam
Allen Zielinski
Mar 03, 2018
Richard Kourafas
Jan 19, 2017
I experienced difficulty and discomfort with urination for over 10 years, and had visited several M.D.s specializing in this area, who prescribed several medications which did not help. I was advised by two of them to undergo surgery, which I was reluctant to do. Instead, at the recommendation of a good friend, I went to see Dr. Lam in February of 2016.
After 3 months of weekly sessions with Dr. Lam, my urination problem was completely solved. Dr. Lam then began helping me with tinnitus, and I after about two months of treatment I experienced a significant reduction of the maddening "ringing" in my ears. Now after about 5 months of general treatment for my over all heath, the tinnitus appears to have disappeared completlely.
As musician, this has given me a new lease on life. I now visit Dr. Lam on a weekly basis, because I've never felt better and can only believe that his treatments have been wonderfully beneficial to my overall mental and physical health. Dr. Lam is professional, sensitive, caring and effective, and I would highly recommend his services to anyone, as I have to my wife and daughters who are also benefiting from his services. Sincerely, Richard Kourafas
After 3 months of weekly sessions with Dr. Lam, my urination problem was completely solved. Dr. Lam then began helping me with tinnitus, and I after about two months of treatment I experienced a significant reduction of the maddening "ringing" in my ears. Now after about 5 months of general treatment for my over all heath, the tinnitus appears to have disappeared completlely.
As musician, this has given me a new lease on life. I now visit Dr. Lam on a weekly basis, because I've never felt better and can only believe that his treatments have been wonderfully beneficial to my overall mental and physical health. Dr. Lam is professional, sensitive, caring and effective, and I would highly recommend his services to anyone, as I have to my wife and daughters who are also benefiting from his services. Sincerely, Richard Kourafas
Krl M.
May 26, 2015
Great customer service and results! I have been going for about half a year for both pain management and for acupuncture for my face. I usually have clear skin but began suffering from REALLY bad break outs until I visited Dr. Lam and his associate. WOW! My face is completely clear and my skin is so smooth. People always ask me my age because they are amazed at how youthful my skin looks and I credit that to Dr. Lam.
I had gone for back pain as well and it is Completely gone! Dr. Lam and his associate are so helpful, professional, and extremely accommodating. I have a crazy work schedule and I have called at the last minute but they usually are able to squeeze me in for an appointment. I HIGHLY recommend both Dr. Lam & his associate. I have gotten GREAT results from them and will continue going since acupuncture helps with so many different symptoms and conditions!
I had gone for back pain as well and it is Completely gone! Dr. Lam and his associate are so helpful, professional, and extremely accommodating. I have a crazy work schedule and I have called at the last minute but they usually are able to squeeze me in for an appointment. I HIGHLY recommend both Dr. Lam & his associate. I have gotten GREAT results from them and will continue going since acupuncture helps with so many different symptoms and conditions!
Jake G.
Sep 27, 2013