OriLife Acupuncture is a traditional medical acupuncture clinic aiming to improve patient long-term well-being by combining modern diagnoses with ancient oriental medical treasure. Human lives through exchanging energy and information with environment. Environment has deep marks on our bodies: 12 meridians in our bodies corresponding to the 12-hour time cycle and 365 acupuncture points corresponding to 365 days in a year. At each given hour of each day, environment impacts our health through specific meridian channels and acupuncture points.
1) Recent studies have indicated that some commonly used breast cancer treatments, from the use of double mastectomy in women with early breast cancer to the use of mastectomy or radiation therapy in ductal in situ carcinoma (DCIS), are not always needed and may put patients at risk of adverse effects without sufficient potential for benefit.
Reviews (4)
Ashley L.
Mar 10, 2020
I have 20 sessions total with her; for pain, anxiety, and to quit smoking. After just one treatment. pain that I have felt between my shoulder blades for months was just gone and has been gone all week. For the first time in months I feel like a 33yr old getting out of bed and not 90. She is super sweet, and very professional!
Josh Luo
Mar 22, 2019
Amazing experience. I came in with severe bronchitis and began to see results after just a few treatments. On top of that, Dr. Zhang and all of her staff are extremely friendly and happy to help with any need or problem. The secretary also very clearly explained the procedures and details of the visit and even voluntarily guided me through the insurance paperwork. I would highly recommmend Dr. Zhang and her clinic to anyone seeking top-tier TCM treatment.
Roger L.
Jan 27, 2017
L. Fontaine
Oct 30, 2016