It is well known that acupuncture is an ancient Chinese system of healing in which symptoms of specific health problems are relieved through the insertion of pre-sterilized fine needles into certain points on the body. These points on the meridian correspond with the energy flow and function of the internal organs or areas of the body.
Acupuncture is based on the theories of energy flow. Health is considered to be a function of the smooth flow of energy (or 'Chi'). Medical problems occur when this flow of energy is interrupted.
Acupuncture is based on the theories of energy flow. Health is considered to be a function of the smooth flow of energy (or 'Chi'). Medical problems occur when this flow of energy is interrupted.
Chinese herbs, combined with acupuncture, have been prescribed for over a thousand years. Herbs, in the right formula, can maintain health and cure disease by restoring the balance of the yin-yang. Herbs are especially effective in maintaining health and treating chronic and stubborn diseases. Most Chinese herbal treatments consist of preparations from plants that are known to be safe, provided they are prescribed by a qualified herbalist.
Reviews (10)
Beatriz Mendoza
May 11, 2022
Dr. Yanfang Liu is an amazing and knowledgeable professional. She helped me to stabilize my autoimmune system, after I visited different specialized doctors who asked me to wait to develop the condition to treat it. Now the symptoms that I was developing have disappeared. Dr. Liu is a person very committed to her work, extremely dedicated and an incredible human being. I can't thank her enough for what she's done for my health.
Apr 28, 2021
Dr. Liu is an expert in acupuncture for fertility. I worked with her through several fertility treatment cycles, and saw drastic improvements in my cycles, egg quality, and stress levels. She gives you personal attention and care, and was genuinely interested in my fertility journey. I am immensely grateful to her for her help and guidance.
Angela Floyd
Jan 26, 2021
I received treatments from Dr. Jia for my anxiety. The treatment itself is very relaxing and meditative. He is very great at what he does and it truly calms you down during the treatment. Highly recommend if you are struggling with anxiety that you give acupuncture and herbal medicine a try, it could help more than you think!
Danielle Marinello
Jul 05, 2020
I was probably acupuncture's greatest doubter, but I'm now forever grateful for my experience and Dr. Jia. I was able to get pregnant shortly after starting with acupuncture/herbs after about a year of trying without acupuncture. I also went during pregnancy to help with some of the issues/pains that pregnancy brings. I now have a very healthy and happy 1-year old son. The office isn't fancy, but it's clean. Communication can sometimes be a challenge, but the staff are kind and patient, and it all works out.
Farhana Choudhury
May 22, 2020
Dr. Liu was one of the names suggested by my health insurance. Skeptical at first, my last doctor's visit was a disaster and I had very little hopes from acupuncture with my fertility. However, Dr. Liu heard me out and assured me that she would have me as her patient for at least three months and see where it goes. Seven weeks into healthy eating (by her advice) and weekly acupuncture (a 1.5 hours drive to Houston to visit her office), by God's blessing and Dr. Liu's extensive knowledge in gynaecology, helped me get pregnant after 4 years of trying. Dr. Liu knows her Chinese medicine too well when she advices her patients to conform to a certain pattern of eating or lifestyle.
I am 21 weeks into my pregnancy as I write this review but I heard that several other successful pregnancies have occurred around the same time as mine, under her watch. I recommend women who struggle with pregnancies and consider IVF, to give acupuncture a try before you take a leap of faith into modern science that may not just be stressful but also expensive.
I am 21 weeks into my pregnancy as I write this review but I heard that several other successful pregnancies have occurred around the same time as mine, under her watch. I recommend women who struggle with pregnancies and consider IVF, to give acupuncture a try before you take a leap of faith into modern science that may not just be stressful but also expensive.
John Hall
Feb 02, 2018
Zach Steele
Feb 06, 2017
I went for my first acupuncture treatment earlier this week and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. A lot of that had to do with the doctors office I picked. The doctor was very helpful and answered all my questions and even suggested some amazing supplements that have just been making me feel incredible! Very much recommend Acupuncture Herbal Wellness Center to anyone!
Tracy Z.
Nov 20, 2013
Catherine Oneill
Mar 18, 2013
Stephen Kong
Dec 11, 2012