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CEO's and employees can benefit from I. V. ozone and prolozone therapies during their lunch break. Give us 1/2 hour and we can change your life. It's worth it to be pain-free not to mention experience improved productivity immediately. Our patients tell us that their brain fog disappears in the first 15 minutes of treatment. Ozone improves cognition by increasing the amount of oxygen to your brain.

Colonics relieve temporary and chronic constipation. Colonics can help to heal irritated and inflamed bowel. Colonics are recommended for patients who struggle with food allergies, asthma, incomplete digestion, "leaky gut" and skin conditions like: eczema and psoriasis.
Reviews (9)
Lisa Reittinger
Jun 02, 2021
I am beyond grateful to have been receiving treatment and guidance for my health issues from Second Nature Naturopathic Care. This clinic provides thorough, compassionate, professional care, in a clean and comfortable setting. They are knowledgeable, patient focused, and truly listen to you without judgment. This practice receives my highest recommendation.
Eva Enzenbacher
Apr 05, 2020
Dr. Guggenheim is a wonderful alternative doctor. She is thorough but gentle. I have been suffering from pain in my right wrist after straining a ligament. After one injection my wrist immediately felt better. The injection was a nerve wrecking thought but Dr. Guggenheim suprised me with a calm and almost painless injection. Thank you Dr. Guggenheim.
Isadora Guggenhiem
Aug 29, 2019
Armani Ballesteros
Mar 19, 2019
I found out about Trioxygen during a research on Water Treatment process, I got an envelope to treat water for filtration. The ozone is used to remove lots of unwanted organics and inorganics materials. So then I stumble on a medical use. By curiosity found the doctors who have treated me with ozone as maintenance measures. There are one of the best-educated doctors I have ever known. Lots of understanding and knowledge.
Bina Paul
Dec 31, 2018
Rob Stewart
Dec 14, 2018
Dovid & Estee Frances
Dec 03, 2018
I had to write a review about this amazing practice! Dr. Guggenheim saved my life. I had been feeling horrible for months going to my regular pcp who kept telling me that I should take medicine and stop worrying about why I was feeling this way. After a few months of bouncing around from Dr. to Dr. I found Dr. Guggenheim. Thank goodness I did, she ordered every blood test imaginable.( 37 vials) but thats how she found out I had walking pneumonia and some other viruses that were causing my symptoms!
No one else had even thought to do bloodwork it was easier for them to prescribe me anti anxiety medication. I highly recommend Dr. Guggenheim to all my friends and family and anyone who wants to find out answers about their health.
No one else had even thought to do bloodwork it was easier for them to prescribe me anti anxiety medication. I highly recommend Dr. Guggenheim to all my friends and family and anyone who wants to find out answers about their health.
Susan Guggenheim
Feb 01, 2016
Dr. G is my sister, and I help her with inbound marketing to her website, but I'm also a member of her Subscribe to Thrive program, where she recommends high quality supplements, that I take 'scout's honor' for a minimum of 3 months. I'm working with Isadora on weight loss, but not for losing pounds. My goal is to never diet again, look great, and feel even better.
I walk-work on a tread, eat mostly healthy, and take her prescribed supplement twice a day. That's it. I've lost almost 2 sizes since October 2014. Isadora's program works, and this is not a sister talking, it's a client talking. You have to try this program, I've never done anything easier in my life - I feel happier, and the cravings are reduced enough that I can talk myself out of the unconscious TV eating. I love feeling in control of my eating, instead of the other way around. Thank you, thank you, Dr. G.
I walk-work on a tread, eat mostly healthy, and take her prescribed supplement twice a day. That's it. I've lost almost 2 sizes since October 2014. Isadora's program works, and this is not a sister talking, it's a client talking. You have to try this program, I've never done anything easier in my life - I feel happier, and the cravings are reduced enough that I can talk myself out of the unconscious TV eating. I love feeling in control of my eating, instead of the other way around. Thank you, thank you, Dr. G.
Susan Guggenheim
Dr. G is my sister, and I help her with inbound marketing to her website, but I'm also a member of her Subscribe to Thrive program, where she recommends high quality supplements, that I take 'scout's honor' for a minimum of 3 months. I'm working with Isadora on weight loss, but not for losing pounds. My goal is to never diet again, look great, and feel even better.
I walk-work on a tread, eat mostly healthy, and take her prescribed supplement twice a day. That's it. I've lost almost 2 sizes since October 2014. Isadora's program works, and this is not a sister talking, it's a client talking. You have to try this program, I've never done anything easier in my life - I feel happier, and the cravings are reduced enough that I can talk myself out of the unconscious TV eating. I love feeling in control of my eating, instead of the other way around. Thank you, thank you, Dr. G.
I walk-work on a tread, eat mostly healthy, and take her prescribed supplement twice a day. That's it. I've lost almost 2 sizes since October 2014. Isadora's program works, and this is not a sister talking, it's a client talking. You have to try this program, I've never done anything easier in my life - I feel happier, and the cravings are reduced enough that I can talk myself out of the unconscious TV eating. I love feeling in control of my eating, instead of the other way around. Thank you, thank you, Dr. G.