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Voortmann Chiropractic and Nutrition Do you have a health problem that hasn't been fixed or helped by other professions? How is it affecting you at home and at work? Is it time for a change? The Voortmann Natural Improvement Center is designed to find the cause of your problem instead of masking symptoms.

There is hope and we may be able to help you! At the clinic, you will find a group of committed professionals with the goal of helping you return to a natural state of good health. You will quickly become a welcomed member of our family of satisfied patients. We treat a wide variety of conditions using the best combination of traditional Chiropractic and Nutrition techniques and the latest in innovative care.

The clinic has the latest technology introduced to chiropractic and nutrition to show the patient's progress on their way to optimal health. The substation scans the back and allows the doctor and the patient to know if their nerves are working properly. Nerves go to every organ and tissue of the body, therefore it is very important to make sure they are working properly. You and your family's optimal health can be achieved and improved with the help of chiropractic and nutrition. Once achieved, you will learn the importance of maintenance as a part of your healthy lifestyle. Our newest technology called the HRV shows us how healthy your body systems are and your physical age.

We are ready to become your stepping stone to better health. Call us for an appointment today. Let this be your first step on the path to better health.
Served areas
  • Mason City, Iowa, Clear Lake, Iowa, Iowa, Minnesota
Highlights and features
  • Chiropractic, Nutrition and Nutrition Response Testing
Associations and certifications
  • Doctor of Chiropractic, Graduate of Nutrition Response Testing
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Dr. Kathleen Voortmann
Dr. Kathleen Voortmann
Dr. Kathleen Voortmann has opened a chiropractic and Nutrition Natural Improvement Center in Clear Lake on Highway 18, across from the softball diamond. Dr. Voortmann received her doctorate and bachelor degree in human biology at Northwestern Chiropractic College in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Beyond chiropractic schooling, Dr. Voortmann has taken classes with the emphasis on advance Nutrition, children, pregnant woman, and methods to custom tailor each patient's needs for their health wellness plan.

The doctor has gone through many health challenges that has led her to using Natural Health Solutions to find the cause and fix the body. " Going through my health challenges allows me to know what patients are feeling when he/she comes in for help," saids Dr. Voortmann.
Natural Improvement Center
Reviews (6)
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Apr 26, 2012
Jennifer W.
Cathy McMahon
Dawn Theilen
Linda B
Hi, Just had to report that I had a FANTASTIC day, feeling the greatest ever! Not this desire to EAT everything I see, NO desire or want to feeling at all today, WOW what a GREAT feeling, what a GREAT day! Wondering why I can not have these days every day! I desire to have many many more days like this...also, had my hair cut yesterday, my hairdresser is amazed how thick those new dark hairs are coming in and there seems to be more and more each time, yippy!

She is wondering will all my white hair turn back to my dark brown or maybe just be a salt and pepper look, and how long might this take to make a complete change? She is in awe of this process, as I am too! Today just encourages me that I will get to my pot of gold, losing weight and being this healthy person. I thank God for you and what you have done for me. See you Thursday! Abundant Blessings.