Blacksburg Acupuncture is a private practice in Blacksburg, Va. We offer Biomedical Acupuncture treatments for a range of physical and internal conditions, including chronic pain, stress, and hormone imbalances.
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Biomedical Acupuncture is the application of acupuncture using the principles of modern biological and medical science. This means that we can physically measure and predict what acupuncture is actually doing in the body from a biological perspective through scientific research with tools such as the fMRI and blood analysis.
Biomedical Acupuncture is physical sports and internal medicine that is focused on treating the physical body. Its focus is directed to naturally stimulate the body’s bio-chemicals to provide a healing response in the soft tissue and viscera.
Biomedical Acupuncture is physical sports and internal medicine that is focused on treating the physical body. Its focus is directed to naturally stimulate the body’s bio-chemicals to provide a healing response in the soft tissue and viscera.
Blacksburg Acupuncture is a professional biomedical acupuncture practice serving the New River Valley of Virgina and Virginia Tech Athletics. We help treat and prevent pain, illness, injuries, and offer treatment alternatives to common issues like hot flashes and infertility. Biomedical Acupuncture uses the placement of fine needles into skin and muscles to treat many types of physical and internal conditions. Our treatments are informed by modern medical science.
John likes to work closely with other health care providers believing that a team effort is always best. Blacksburg Acupuncture is a private practice in Blacksburg, Va. We offer Biomedical Acupuncture treatments for a range of physical and internal conditions, including chronic pain, stress, and hormone imbalances.
We accept cash, check, Visa, and Mastercard. We do not accept insurance. However, if your policy covers acupuncture, we can provide you with the appropriate medical codes for reimbursement from your provider. Typically, Biomedical Acupuncture is covered by HSA and Flexible Spending Accounts. John is the best at what he does.
John Thacker L.Ac.
I am certified to practice acupuncture by the Virginia Board of Medicine. I earned a Bachelors of Science from Radford University. Following this I attended Virginia Tech where I completed my Pre-Medicine studies.
After spending 6 months studying western medicine and chiropractic theory at Life University in Atlanta, Georgia, I entered the Masters Program for acupuncture at the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture in Hallandale, Florida. Upon completing my Masters degree, I was awarded the highest honors of the program by my instructors and fellow student practitioners as the Most Valuable Practitioner. I received specialty training in pain management techniques from the Biomedical Acupuncture Institute in Boulder Colorado. It was here that I learned the modern perspectives on acupuncture that are founded on evidence-based research.
Today I am very happy to be in private practice here in Blacksburg. I am committed to addressing any of your health care concerns and evaluating the potential benefit of adding acupuncture to your treatment program. If you have any questions about the efficacy of acupuncture please feel free to contact me.
After spending 6 months studying western medicine and chiropractic theory at Life University in Atlanta, Georgia, I entered the Masters Program for acupuncture at the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture in Hallandale, Florida. Upon completing my Masters degree, I was awarded the highest honors of the program by my instructors and fellow student practitioners as the Most Valuable Practitioner. I received specialty training in pain management techniques from the Biomedical Acupuncture Institute in Boulder Colorado. It was here that I learned the modern perspectives on acupuncture that are founded on evidence-based research.
Today I am very happy to be in private practice here in Blacksburg. I am committed to addressing any of your health care concerns and evaluating the potential benefit of adding acupuncture to your treatment program. If you have any questions about the efficacy of acupuncture please feel free to contact me.
Reviews (18)
Skyler DeHart
Jun 15, 2021
Professional staff and accommodating to my student athlete schedule! After struggling from a back injury while playing college softball, I spent over a year trying to find relief from other treatments. John Thacker has been amazing in treating my back with acupuncture and has allowed me to continue my college softball career!
Marie Castillo
Jun 06, 2021
Blacksburg Acupuncture Clinic has been a godsend in many healing aspects. I found acupuncture after an injury from a car accident that left me with unbearable back pain. After a year of various treatments that made no positive impact, John was able to alleviate my pain within just a few sessions. They were also instrumental in helping with my infertility journey. Acupuncture helped us to bring my dreams of motherhood to reality.
The staff is wonderful, friendly and professional. The environment is relaxing and the facility is always very clean and sanitary. I would highly recommend John and Blacksburg Acupuncture to anyone looking for a way to support their health and wellness goals.
The staff is wonderful, friendly and professional. The environment is relaxing and the facility is always very clean and sanitary. I would highly recommend John and Blacksburg Acupuncture to anyone looking for a way to support their health and wellness goals.
McKenzie Catania
May 26, 2021
I have been seeing John for a few months now and I have nothing but positive things to say about his clinic and care. The space itself is so relaxing, and he really tailors specifically to my needs each session. My overall health and wellness has been forever changed for the better, and I leave each session feeling much better than when I came in. I highly recommend Blacksburg Acupuncture!
Kathy Mcintyre
May 21, 2021
Ronnie Marcum
May 13, 2021
Sherri Albert
Apr 28, 2021
Blacksburg Acupuncture has been a life changer for me. John was my last hope when I was suffering from debilitating migraines that medicine could not fix. Thanks to him I have my life back. I would recommend John to anyone. I will definitely continue treatment for headaches and/or pain with Blacksburg Acupuncture.
Darlene Nester
Mar 03, 2021
I found Blacksburg Acupuncture in 2008, I was having terrible lower back pain, it was hard to sit or walk, After a couple visits I seen a huge improvement. Every once in a while my back goes out, the first thing I do is call John for an apointment. Recently I was diagnosed with covid 19 I was reading about how accupuncture can help with recovery, I decided to go in for a couple treatments. I found it helped with my symptoms. I highly recommend you give it a try.
Terri Wilkins
Jan 22, 2021
Marcia Thomas
Jul 10, 2019
CardioFlex Therapy CardioFlexTherapy
Dec 29, 2017
Blacksburg Accupuncture is the #1 rated Accupuncture Clinic in VA for a reason. That reason is because the owner John is the best practitioner in the country, bar none. Being a former pro tennis player myself, John's advice and therapy helped me to get over the top and dominate my opponents. John also has the versatility to work with patients of any type, and his individually focused sessions get maximim results. Simply put, once you try Blacksburg Accupuncture, you will be a client for life.
Robert Stuart
Mar 05, 2013
By the time I found John I had been suffering for over a year from debilitating hamstring pain from an exercise injury. I could barely walk. I had tried complete rest, NSAIDS, ice, physical therapy and massage therapy. None of it worked. I had just about resigned myself to accepting that I had a life-long chronic injury and would never exercise again.
I can honestly say John gave me my quality of life back. It took about 3 months of treatment but the pain is down to about 3% of what it was and I am back to exercising. Most of the day I am completely pain free! We've taken a test break from treatment and I am still doing fine although I will be returning to complete the process. I was very skeptical of acupuncture but it proved to be the successful treatment when all others had failed.
To say the least I am incredibly grateful to John. He knows his craft but just as important he delivers his care with optimism and compassion. He's a real find. I can wholeheartedly recommend his care and services.
I can honestly say John gave me my quality of life back. It took about 3 months of treatment but the pain is down to about 3% of what it was and I am back to exercising. Most of the day I am completely pain free! We've taken a test break from treatment and I am still doing fine although I will be returning to complete the process. I was very skeptical of acupuncture but it proved to be the successful treatment when all others had failed.
To say the least I am incredibly grateful to John. He knows his craft but just as important he delivers his care with optimism and compassion. He's a real find. I can wholeheartedly recommend his care and services.
Tricia Cox
Jan Wehby Blacksburg
Kristin Sailors
Karen Fried
Judith Blacksburg
Nancy Blacksburg
Kristina Youker