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Try Hypnosis for a Change. My name is John Koenig. I am a board certified hypnotist with offices in Warwick, Rhode Island, convenient to Providence RI, providing hypnosis and hypnotic coaching in Rhode Island (RI) and Southeastern Massachusetts (MA) and by phone nationwide since 1998. Most of my clients come to me as referrals from satisfied clients, medical practitioners or therapists.
I am a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Hypnotist Certification Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists - the world's largest professional association of hypnotists. I have practiced in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts since 1998 and my work has been featured on both NBC and ABC National News.
K.C. Wilder (author of the best-selling book 50 WAYS TO LEAVE YOUR HUSBAND and a hypnosis client) graciously gave her permission to publish this entry from her blog. She is a successful author with a wonderful light wit and writes with candor about her journey. Hopefully you will identify with her struggle with sugar as well as the intoxicating form of sugar (alcohol).
In fact, I thought Rhode Island was as BIG as anyplace in the world. And I strongly believed as a hypnotist (employed as a copywriter for the state Department of Economic Development's advertising agency) that the only limitations are those we place on ourselves. So, I came up with and successfully pitched "We're the Biggest Little State in the Union" slogan as a battle cry, what we call in hypnosis a "re-framing". The slogan described our state. But it also gave us something to shoot for. The rest is history.
You know cigarette smoking is a nasty, health-destroying, often fatal and always expensive habit. That's why nine out of ten cigarette smokers want to quit! Do you want to quit smoking? If so, you probably think it is harder to stop smoking than it need be, especially with the help of hypnosis and professional coaching.
Reviews (3)
Jocelyn Vander Kaaden
Mar 03, 2019
As a coach, I had a student struggling with a severe mental block when it came to doing her back handspring. She had done it hundreds of times on her own and then would just stop being able to do it. She would completely shut down and lost all the confidence to do it even though her form was perfect and she never got injured. After 2 years of struggling with this, I suggested to her mom to bring her to a hypnotist as I had read up on the success rate with mental tumbling blocks.
Her mom agreed and researched for weeks until she found the right one. My student met with John on August 4th. In the last two weeks, I cannot begin to tell you the improvement she has had! She is doing her back handspring better than ever before, completely on her own and without hesitation! I am so grateful John was able to help my student and allow her to continue reaching her goals!
Her mom agreed and researched for weeks until she found the right one. My student met with John on August 4th. In the last two weeks, I cannot begin to tell you the improvement she has had! She is doing her back handspring better than ever before, completely on her own and without hesitation! I am so grateful John was able to help my student and allow her to continue reaching her goals!
Darrell Dillon
Jan 14, 2019
I went to see John back in 2003 because I was struggling in a sales position that required me to go way out of my comfort zone. I was desperate because it was sink or swim but I just couldn't seem to screw up the courage to do what needed to be done. John helped me overcome my fears which directly lead to a very successful carer. I have since switched professions but the confidence that I gained while working with John have helped me in every endeavor that I have undertaken.
Lori Bernard
Nov 01, 2017
I went to John for Pre-surgery hypnosis. I was feeling nervous about the procedure as well as the anesthesia. I started about 1 month prior to the surgery. During hypnosis, John guided me through every step -from surgery preparation to recovery. I noticed that I became less worried and more relaxed after the first session. It really amazed me! This changed my mindset and helped me feel confident about the entire process.
I felt unusually calm before the surgery and had minimal pain afterward. I am also recovering quickly. John is not only extremely knowledgeable and skilled, but also kind and empathetic. I feel that he genuinely cares about you and your outcome. I highly recommend him for hypnosis as well as his coaching.
I felt unusually calm before the surgery and had minimal pain afterward. I am also recovering quickly. John is not only extremely knowledgeable and skilled, but also kind and empathetic. I feel that he genuinely cares about you and your outcome. I highly recommend him for hypnosis as well as his coaching.