Buckhead Acupuncture & Herbal Center offers customized herbal formulas and acupuncture treatment, which not only treat symptoms, but are designed to address the root of your medical condition according to the principles of Chinese Medicine. We serve the following areas with acupuncture: Atlanta, Buckhead, Decatur, Dunwoody, Virginia Highlands, Marietta, Sandy Springs, and John's Creek.
After overcoming an ailment such as infertility, PMS, or migraines, patients are encouraged to continue treatment as a means of maintaining health and preventing or minimizing the occurrence of disease. Chinese Medicine has a rich history of use as a means of preventing disease and extending life both in terms of length and quality. In China it is said, The superior doctor treats before there is disease, the mediocre doctor treats [when one is] on the verge of becoming ill, and the inferior doctor treats [when there is] already disease."
According to these statements, the superior physician should prevent disease from arising, not just seek to eliminate it after it has taken hold. It is treatment based on pattern discrimination that allows a Chinese medical practitioner to do this. We all exhibit some pattern of disharmony even though we may not be diagnosed as suffering from a particular disease. By addressing these constitutional or habitual patterns when they are relatively mild, one can prevent them from becoming so severe as to eventually cause disease. We believe there is a shift that has been taking place among western trained physicians, and it is encouraging to see many turning to preventative medicine and anti-aging practices. Though the two may use different models to represent the human organism and hold varying opinions on how pathology occurs, Conventional medicine and Chinese medicine have finally arrived at the same important conclusion.
After overcoming an ailment such as infertility, PMS, or migraines, patients are encouraged to continue treatment as a means of maintaining health and preventing or minimizing the occurrence of disease. Chinese Medicine has a rich history of use as a means of preventing disease and extending life both in terms of length and quality. In China it is said, The superior doctor treats before there is disease, the mediocre doctor treats [when one is] on the verge of becoming ill, and the inferior doctor treats [when there is] already disease."
According to these statements, the superior physician should prevent disease from arising, not just seek to eliminate it after it has taken hold. It is treatment based on pattern discrimination that allows a Chinese medical practitioner to do this. We all exhibit some pattern of disharmony even though we may not be diagnosed as suffering from a particular disease. By addressing these constitutional or habitual patterns when they are relatively mild, one can prevent them from becoming so severe as to eventually cause disease. We believe there is a shift that has been taking place among western trained physicians, and it is encouraging to see many turning to preventative medicine and anti-aging practices. Though the two may use different models to represent the human organism and hold varying opinions on how pathology occurs, Conventional medicine and Chinese medicine have finally arrived at the same important conclusion.
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Our goal as an Atlanta acupuncture practitioner is to compassionately work with our patients to restore an optimal state of health. Buckhead Acupuncture & Herbal Center offers customized herbal formulas and acupuncture treatment, which not only treat symptoms, but are designed to address the root of your medical condition according to the principles of Chinese Medicine. We serve the following areas with acupuncture: Atlanta, Buckhead, Decatur, Dunwoody, Virginia Highlands, Marietta, Sandy Springs, and John's Creek.
Attending AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine in Austin Texas provided a chance to work in our schools herbal pharmacy for 2 1/2 years and was the start of my passion for Chinese herbal medicine. Many of our patients in student clinic were female and responded well to my formulas under supervision from my mentor Ma Dongxin who chiefly focused on women's health.
Our fertility story began years ago when my husband and I first began trying to conceive. After 5-6 months, I realized that my menstrual cycles were highly irregular. I made a visit to see my gynecologist in Atlanta, where she ran several hormonal tests through blood work. Several days later, she notified me that the results were abnormal and because she knew we were trying to conceive, she immediately referred me to a reproductive endocrinologist (RE).It was here that things took a turn for the worse.
In the United States, approximately 9 million people are currently having difficulty trying to conceive. There is a one in eight chance that either you or someone you know is affected by infertility problems. For women under age 35, infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of actively trying.
Park inside the Cancer Parking Deck immediately on the right. Walk into connected building which is 340. You'll pass a greeting station on your right where you can ask for directions. Keep walking forward; you'll walk through a stretch of hallway and into building 320. There's a cafe on your left and media center on your right.
Reviews (20)
May 15, 2022
I absolutely love this practice. I have been seeing Dr. Cathy since last year and she is incredible. She is understanding, patient, and truly invested in her patients from a holistic perspective. She is very knowledgeable about what is happening inside the human body and the symptoms that manifest when things are out of whack. Each time I have seen her I have left the office feeling better and have noticed a remarkable difference in my pain levels. I always look forward to my visits because I know they're going to be effective. I definitely recommend this place and, if you're able, get in with Dr. Cathy!
Ashley Wilson
Apr 09, 2022
Tani Andrews
Oct 04, 2021
Sree N.
Sep 27, 2021
Sorry for the long post, but I want my review to be clear as it can be useful for others who are suffering from similar issues. Dr Mark is crisp, clear and values your time and money. He only treats when treatment is necessary. He is knowledgeable in infertility domain and his herbs work like a charm to cure issues, stress and anxiety during whole process. he has a great bedside manner, he listens to everything and makes a note.
I highly recommend Mark if you are someone suffering for infertility. I know exactly how painful it can be for a natural process of becoming pregnant turns more than impossible. I had issues with Ovarian cysts and i lost one of my ovary early around 15 years of age. When I started trying to get pregnant around 25 years old I did not know I will have rough journey ahead of me.
After 1 year of unsuccessful trials I visited OB/GYN for further assessment. Everything seemed to be normal from results(tubes not blocked, ovary normal, uterus normal but with a polyp which they removed with hysteroscopy).We consulted RE and after multiple tests they categorized me under "Unexplained Infertility" they started with IUI treatment without success.
We went for first round of IVF and they transferred PGD tested embryo but still i was not pregnant. I researched and found MARK, I like how he is straight to the point and he doesn't give any false hopes to patient. We tried his acupuncture and herbs to get pregnant, though i was not pregnant I got a lot better with my monthly cycle, digestive issues I had.
I had lot of sleep issues including waking up at night and screaming which came from stress of constant failure getting pregnant. His herbs and acupuncture helped me calm and relax a bit initially during this process. Then we started with second round of IVF, I cannot emphasize enough his treatment made wonders with egg and embryos. I got 22 eggs and 7 embryos out of which 4 are PGD good embryos 2 bad.
My second transfer of PGD tested embryo also failed. Then seeing entire scenario he suggested to get tested for auto immune disease(reproductive immunology).He gave me some textbook material to study and he explained me about its importance and get tested for it. Even though my RE didn't feel I come under that case, she tested for common autoimmune issues but everything came out normal.
Mark stressed on getting a autoimmune protocol embryo transfer irrespective of results. RE also agreed to do so even though she doesn't seem it can be helpful. I continued his treatment all along and my third attempt to get pregnant is successful! I cannot believe I was pregnant this was the first time I saw a positive pregnancy test all along my life! I cannot thank mark enough for all his support during entire process. Today I am here holding my 3 month old baby girl and posting this review.
I highly recommend Mark if you are someone suffering for infertility. I know exactly how painful it can be for a natural process of becoming pregnant turns more than impossible. I had issues with Ovarian cysts and i lost one of my ovary early around 15 years of age. When I started trying to get pregnant around 25 years old I did not know I will have rough journey ahead of me.
After 1 year of unsuccessful trials I visited OB/GYN for further assessment. Everything seemed to be normal from results(tubes not blocked, ovary normal, uterus normal but with a polyp which they removed with hysteroscopy).We consulted RE and after multiple tests they categorized me under "Unexplained Infertility" they started with IUI treatment without success.
We went for first round of IVF and they transferred PGD tested embryo but still i was not pregnant. I researched and found MARK, I like how he is straight to the point and he doesn't give any false hopes to patient. We tried his acupuncture and herbs to get pregnant, though i was not pregnant I got a lot better with my monthly cycle, digestive issues I had.
I had lot of sleep issues including waking up at night and screaming which came from stress of constant failure getting pregnant. His herbs and acupuncture helped me calm and relax a bit initially during this process. Then we started with second round of IVF, I cannot emphasize enough his treatment made wonders with egg and embryos. I got 22 eggs and 7 embryos out of which 4 are PGD good embryos 2 bad.
My second transfer of PGD tested embryo also failed. Then seeing entire scenario he suggested to get tested for auto immune disease(reproductive immunology).He gave me some textbook material to study and he explained me about its importance and get tested for it. Even though my RE didn't feel I come under that case, she tested for common autoimmune issues but everything came out normal.
Mark stressed on getting a autoimmune protocol embryo transfer irrespective of results. RE also agreed to do so even though she doesn't seem it can be helpful. I continued his treatment all along and my third attempt to get pregnant is successful! I cannot believe I was pregnant this was the first time I saw a positive pregnancy test all along my life! I cannot thank mark enough for all his support during entire process. Today I am here holding my 3 month old baby girl and posting this review.
Ci Ver
Jun 19, 2021
Cathy has the best bedside manor you could ask for. She made the overall experience very comfortable for me- and I am not a fan of needles. Best yet, she was knowledgeable about my fertility protocol and very supportive. I have used other fertility acupuncturist and in my opinion, and I would rank Cathy at the top of that list. She takes the time to ask questions at each accupuncture visit and will tailor it to what you need that day. I would highly reccomend Cathy! Did I mention, we are expecting! :
Karly Knuckles
May 31, 2021
I started seeing Mark in 2020 as I was trying to get pregnant. Being a bit older I understood the challenges & that it may take longer but I still wanted to try naturally. I met with Mark weekly for acupuncture & he placed me on Chinese herbs to help with various things. I definitely felt better and saw some improvements with my cycle. Towards the end of the year I decided to take time off from treatment, and voila!
I fell pregnant naturally! I really feel the acupuncture & herbs were key & highly recommend Mark: he has a great bedside manner, is very knowledgeable & listens. Now that I am 5 months pregnant I've seen Mark a few times & after a few more acupuncture sessions I'm sleeping better & am not experiencing the hip aches that I'm sure come with pregnancy.
I fell pregnant naturally! I really feel the acupuncture & herbs were key & highly recommend Mark: he has a great bedside manner, is very knowledgeable & listens. Now that I am 5 months pregnant I've seen Mark a few times & after a few more acupuncture sessions I'm sleeping better & am not experiencing the hip aches that I'm sure come with pregnancy.
LaTonya Young
May 23, 2021
Kelly is simply amazing! I started going to her due to severe asthma and allergies. Upon my first visit, she took the time to complete a comprehensive evaluation and identified a few other areas that I needed to address. Kelly is very patient, kind and personable. I have been going to her for several years now and her treatments always get me back on track.
Since I started seeing her, I no longer have issues with allergies, asthma and sleep better at night. I even continued seeing her throughout my pregnancy. I am of advanced maternal age (over 35) so I wanted to be sure to do EVERYTHING I could to ensure a successful pregnancy. I saw Kelly once a week for the first 13 weeks to ensure safe pregnancy, got plenty of rest and adhered to all of her guidance.
I ended up being induced, however I continued to receive treatment from Kelly for the 3 days leading to my induction. My pregnancy, labor and post-delivery were seamless- I had no issues or complications whatsoever. Kelly assured me that my body would be prepared for labor and she was right. Everyone I refer to Kelly always calls me back to thank me for sharing her information with them.
I have friends and colleagues who have sought treatment for pain management, weight loss, and stress/anxiety. They all felt so much better they could not wait to share their excitement.
Since I started seeing her, I no longer have issues with allergies, asthma and sleep better at night. I even continued seeing her throughout my pregnancy. I am of advanced maternal age (over 35) so I wanted to be sure to do EVERYTHING I could to ensure a successful pregnancy. I saw Kelly once a week for the first 13 weeks to ensure safe pregnancy, got plenty of rest and adhered to all of her guidance.
I ended up being induced, however I continued to receive treatment from Kelly for the 3 days leading to my induction. My pregnancy, labor and post-delivery were seamless- I had no issues or complications whatsoever. Kelly assured me that my body would be prepared for labor and she was right. Everyone I refer to Kelly always calls me back to thank me for sharing her information with them.
I have friends and colleagues who have sought treatment for pain management, weight loss, and stress/anxiety. They all felt so much better they could not wait to share their excitement.
Sera Speegle
May 21, 2021
I started seeing Kelly in September of 2019 after several miscarriages and trouble getting pregnant. I was also caring for my terminally ill mother at the time. Kelly was amazing. I love that acupuncture is about full body balance and healing. I certainly feel that the grief and anxiety I was experiencing while losing my mother was a key factor in my infertility.
In late November of 2019 my mother passed, and in early December I found out I was Pregnant. I continued to see Kelly through my first 16 weeks of pregnancy. In September 2020 (when I was 42 weeks pregnant ) I went back to use Accupuncture for induction so I could experience an unmedicated childbirth. Less than 10 hours later, I met my little baby girl. I highly recommend Accupuncture for general health.
In late November of 2019 my mother passed, and in early December I found out I was Pregnant. I continued to see Kelly through my first 16 weeks of pregnancy. In September 2020 (when I was 42 weeks pregnant ) I went back to use Accupuncture for induction so I could experience an unmedicated childbirth. Less than 10 hours later, I met my little baby girl. I highly recommend Accupuncture for general health.
Angelita Brooks
May 06, 2021
My journey with fibroids has been one of the worst experience of my life. They have hinder me for years from conceiving another child. I had two Myomectomy, and the fibroids always came back. I started seeing Dr. Cathy at the end of January 2021. During this time, my cycle was irregular, cramps were unbearable, and I had heavy bleeding. For the last two months my cycle has been 28 days, I have minimal pain, and my cycle is no longer heavy throughout my period. I have also noticed my stomach is a lot softer, which is a good sign. Dr. Cathy is very attentive, knowledgeable, and easy to talk too.
Caroline Schares
May 03, 2021
I can't recommend Mark enough. I saw him for about a year for an infertility issue that seemed hopeless. I was able to see progress during treatment through working in tandem with Shady Grove Fertility (Dr. Namnoum). Now I have a healthy happy baby girl! She really is a miracle and I am so thankful I gave acupuncture a try!
Joseph Mitchell
Jun 21, 2019
My first visit to Buckhead Acupuncture with Kelly was a calming and peaceful experience. Unbeknownst to me Kelly's knowledge and wisdom on the physical human body and its internal workings was an eye opener. Kelly started my heeling process on my damage knee with great promise and a sense of wellness I never thought I would experience again. I went to Buckhead Acupuncture because I didn't feel conventional medicine could help me. Buckhead Acupuncture brought me back to a sense of euphoria. I walked out the office walking straight and tall without a limp or hobble. Glad I went to Buckhead Acupuncture
Elizabeth Roesel
Jan 10, 2018
I was struck with Bell's Palsy on Dec.21 and at my worst by Jan.1. I was able to see Kelly soon after calling and today Jan.8 am 70% better after three sessions with her! She is a Chinese medical genius! The place is kind, knowledgeable, and informative. Never in my 63 years have I been so satisfied with my treatment. Thank you Kelly!
Elizabeth Roesel
Jan 10, 2018
I was struck with Bell’s Palsy on Dec.21 and at my worst by Jan.1. I was able to see Kelly soon after calling and today Jan.8 am 70% better after three sessions with her! She is a Chinese medical genius! The place is kind, knowledgeable, and informative. Never in my 63 years have I been so satisfied with my treatment. Thank you Kelly!
Kate Phillips
Nov 19, 2017
"What the sayer of praise is really praising is himself, by saying implicitly, 'My eyes are clear.' Likewise, someone who criticizes is criticizing himself, saying implicitly, 'I can't see very well With my eyes so inflamed.' " -"Muhammad and the Huge Eater" by Rumi taken from The Essential Rumi by Coleman Sparks I posted this excerpt for 3 reasons: 1.
So many of us walk zombified through our lives, controlled by aches and pains, numbness, emotional instability and erratic behavior. We can't see when we haven't looked at the source of our discomfort but instead we blame others and outside circumstances for our imbalances. 2. For those who remain in the slim minority-they who fully care for themselves, assisted by holistic care practitioners who offer healthy routines and alternatives to our sedative state-we see their eyes are clear, their voices project, unwavering and trustworthy.
We sense that their cups are full of clear water. They spread their love and kind words without apprehension, reflecting their healthful state. 3. I am undergoing the transition from number one to number two safely, gently, but fairly quickly with the help of Oscar Sierra. His depth of wisdom with classic Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and today's breaking discoveries in herbal health and holistic care guarantees that you will leave each visit having learned so much about your body.
You will also have lightened your load by removing a few stones of burden each time. His room is a safe space for healing on all levels. I highly recommend Oscar Sierra's services. Also, everyone else I have met in the office has been kind and generous. : Some of my goodies in the pictures!
So many of us walk zombified through our lives, controlled by aches and pains, numbness, emotional instability and erratic behavior. We can't see when we haven't looked at the source of our discomfort but instead we blame others and outside circumstances for our imbalances. 2. For those who remain in the slim minority-they who fully care for themselves, assisted by holistic care practitioners who offer healthy routines and alternatives to our sedative state-we see their eyes are clear, their voices project, unwavering and trustworthy.
We sense that their cups are full of clear water. They spread their love and kind words without apprehension, reflecting their healthful state. 3. I am undergoing the transition from number one to number two safely, gently, but fairly quickly with the help of Oscar Sierra. His depth of wisdom with classic Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and today's breaking discoveries in herbal health and holistic care guarantees that you will leave each visit having learned so much about your body.
You will also have lightened your load by removing a few stones of burden each time. His room is a safe space for healing on all levels. I highly recommend Oscar Sierra's services. Also, everyone else I have met in the office has been kind and generous. : Some of my goodies in the pictures!
Angela Beaver-Harris
Sep 14, 2017
Tani Andrews
Jun 26, 2016
Kelly has been really helpful in treating my depression and anxiety. After 9 years of suffering, taking prescriptions that did nothing to improve my health, I was suggested to try Acupuncture and Traditional. medicine. I started in March and after two months my anxiety was completely gone and I had felt true happiness for the first time since being diagnosed with depression. I would definitely recommend Kelly! She really takes the time and care into alleviating the problem.
Tani Andrews
Jun 26, 2016
Kelly has been really helpful in treating my depression and anxiety. After 9 years of suffering, taking prescriptions that did nothing to improve my health, I was suggested to try Acupuncture and Traditional medicine. I started in March and after two months my anxiety was completely gone and I had felt true happiness for the first time since being diagnosed with depression. I would definitely recommend Kelly! She really takes the time and care into alleviating the problem.
Gloria Cominsky
Jul 13, 2014
Gloria Cominsky
Jul 13, 2014
Patti Dunn
Nov 10, 2013