Can assist recovery from: traumatic injuries, stress reaction, arthritic pain, TMJ problems, insomnia, asthma, bad wetting, TMJ, scoliosis, fibromyalgia, migraines, back pain, neck pain, and more.
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Bowen/Bowenwork is not Massage
Those newly introduced to Bowen often associate it to massage. However its operation and objectives are quite different. Furthermore, rubbing or even prolonged touching around a Bowen "move" just applied can weaken the effectiveness of the more. Bowen moves go no deeper than fascia on superficially accessible muscles, and only do so with gentle pressure.
Reviews (2)
Janan Delly
Dan Lunga
I have suffered from several sports injuries , multiple auto injuries and ATV rollover at 40 mph. i have a fractured vertabrate along with other things and have chronic pain. Having seen several DR'S & Chiropractors along with trying different treatments. Camelia and the work that she does has been the most helpfull she is very knowledgable and even teaches classes in the field. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU GIVE HER A CALL AND SET UP AN APPOINTMENT.