It is the healing power of nature that restores health when sickness arises. It is this same power that maintains the body in a state of vitality. As naturopathic physicians, we are trained to use natural, supportive, and nontoxic therapies to assist the healing process and prevent further disease from occurring. We believe that each person is unique and requires individualized treatment. Therefore, to determine the most appropriate treatment for a given condition, we take into account not only specific physical symptoms, but also the person who has the symptoms.
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In Homeopathy (the classical approach), it is the goal of the practitioner to fully understand the entire nature of an individual, in order to best find the similimum (the remedy that will most effectively bring about a curative response.) Rajan Sankaran has written several books and lectured extensively over the past several years, teaching this method, or system.
Hari is a form of Meridian therapy as refined system of traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Practitioners of this style have developed extraordinary sensitivity to Ki (Chi) through this practice of Ki diagnosis, pulse diagnosis, and non-inserted needling techniques. The theoretical foundation of Hari is derived form the Japanese and Chinese medical classics, in particular the Su Wen, Ling Shu, and Nan Jing.
During the course of our professional relationship, much information of your physical and psychological state will be discussed. Be assured that all information will be kept in strict professional confidence. We encourage you to call, if any question of your medication or progress arises. Please keep calls to a minimum.
I have wanted to write this note for a long time to tell you how lucky I am to have you both practicing homeopathy, and you, Lila, doing Acupuncture in addition. I think my life has been so much easier with the two of you helping me with vitamins and homeopathy instead of the medicine that my former doctor was so ready to offer me.
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