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Doctor Yang at Goleta Acupuncture Herb Clinic welcomes you. I trained in Chinese medicine and Western medicine in China, graduated from medical department of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, P.R. China in 1983, and worked as a Chinese medicine doctor at Hunan Shaoyang Integrated Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Hospital, P.R.

China until 1996. I was a teacher at Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine from 1997 to 2007. Since 2002 I have been practicing at Goleta Acupuncture Herb Clinic with my California acupuncture license.
Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. In a stress reaction, certain hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol are released into our blood stream, which mostly tend to interfere with the function of digestive system and cardiovascular system.
Hormones are substances released into bloodstream from glands or organs that affect the functions of our body cells. They control growth and development, reproduction, and sexual characteristics. They influence the way our body uses and store energy. They also control the volume of fluid and the levels of salt and sugar in our blood.
Immune system is composed of cellular immune and plasma immune and it functions through a network of lymphatic vessels and circulation system. Lymphatic vessels permeate every organ in our body except brain. Along lymphatic vessels are special tissues and organs such as lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, liver, lungs and intestines.
Acupuncture is one component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It uses extremely thin, sterilized and disposable needles to stimulate acupuncture points that are high charged with Qi (Chi) energy along energy meridian system. No, You are not supposed to feel pain from acupuncture especially with my pain free needling technique.
Reviews (1)
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Richard Chun
Aug 27, 2021
I had a serious spasm and nerve issues. One session and some herbs helped me wean off the prescriptions and feel much better. I am going to keep with treatment because this place is great!