Health care is self- care. Your strongest self empowers the total health of your family, your community and our collective humanity. A balanced body, mind and energy field is capable of self-repair from damage and toxic influences. Natural Path Consulting takes a unique approach to building health by combining traditional healing methods with the latest technological advances in the field of alternative and natural health care.
Since 1989, I have been teaching clients how to build their health, energy and vitality using natural therapeutics. From infancy to elderly, at any level of illness or disease, homeopathy and natural medicines can improve and restore overall health. In my practice, I teach, coach and challenge my clients to take charge of their own internal healing power.
In the late 1940's, a German medical doctor and engineer, Dr. Reinhard Voll, began researching and proving an innovative testing method now known as EAV (Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll, also known as EDS, Electro-Dermal Screening). This method was documented and proven in over a decade of hospital studies in Germany and today EAV is widely used throughout Europe by over 25,000 medical practitioners.
Homeopathy, a proven system of medicine for over 200 years, is practiced widely throughout the world. It works by stimulating the body's natural defenses rather than suppressing symptoms. Natural remedies are used which are non-toxic and do not cause side effects. This medicine is empowering as it allows the body to self-correct.
All living things are formed by electro-dynamic fields which can be measured. This was proven by Dr. Harold Saxon Burr, at Yale School of medicine in the early 1900's. Dr. Burr believed that these fields revealed physical and mental conditions and reasoned that doctors should be able to use them to discover illness before symptoms develop.

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