The human being is more than just a body. It also includes the mind and spirit, which extend far beyond the boundaries of material reality, and are fields of energy which include thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Pain is the being's way of signaling that change is needed. Whether pain is emotional, mental of spiritual in origin, it signals a need for change, and an opportunity for growth.
The challenge is to pay attention to these signals and determine how to grow. When your reading reveals an energetic pattern causing a negative emotion, physical condition, or life circumstance, we can heal the energy of this cause, in the body and its energy fields.
The challenge is to pay attention to these signals and determine how to grow. When your reading reveals an energetic pattern causing a negative emotion, physical condition, or life circumstance, we can heal the energy of this cause, in the body and its energy fields.
I access your signature energy field through a combination of muscle testing and intuition. If your session is conducted remotely, I use myself as a surrogate for your muscle testing, which I have found to be just as accurate and informative as in-person testing. I center my reading around your question, whether it be specific or general, regarding a health issue, a professional or relationship issue, or a psychospiritual inquiry.
I want to help you see the underlying structure of what you do, and enhance your wholistic understanding of the unique meaning of your work. Signature Energy Work is the work of evaluating our signature energy - its contents, and their influence on us -- and then reordering and revising those contents into a form that more accurately reflects conscious choice, rather than unconscious habit. As we do this, our physical form, our emotions, thoughts, and beliefs, become aligned with an increasingly higher level of consciousness.
Signature Energy Work: Accessing, Evaluating, and Transforming the Personal Energy Field is now available at The purpose of this book is two-fold. The first is to present you with information that will direct you toward a new paradigm in healing work, be it professional work as a medical/health-care provider, or your own personal healing work as an individual.

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