The Acupuncture Center for Health and Wellness is a premier, full scale acupuncture clinic, offering high quality acupuncture treatments in a relaxed and comfortable setting. Our mission is to provide patients with the highest quality of Traditional Chinese Medicine in order to effectively promote overall health and well-being. The goal of Chinese Medicine is help bring about a return to the natural state of health by helping to create a state of balance and cultivate the natural flow and function of the individual's life energy.
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Reviews (5)
Michelle Miklas
May 06, 2016
I've had chronic pain from an injury since the beginning of this year and I have had many tests, injections, therapy but have had the most relief from Dr. Vasilakis's acupuncture treatments. I was skeptical at first about the procedures however, I am proof that this treatment does provide relief and I will continue to see Dr. Vasilakis and would highly recommend his services.
Judy Bigsby
Apr 19, 2016
Bushra Malik
Jan 19, 2016
Deanna Riveron
May 03, 2015
Jim Lappas
Oct 29, 2014