Energy Medicine is the best alternative health care I've ever tried!. I have improved my reading and comprehension, reduced stress and its effects on my body, and found longterm relief from my chronic back pain. Balancing the body's energies has a powerful and profound impact on our health and wellness. Energy medicine works with underlying energetic causes, not just symptoms.
The sessions and techniques used, along with recommended self-care, are tailored to your unique energies. Free-flowing energy results in optimal physical, emotional, and mental health and wellness.
The sessions and techniques used, along with recommended self-care, are tailored to your unique energies. Free-flowing energy results in optimal physical, emotional, and mental health and wellness.
Marcia Rowland practices Donna Eden's Energy Medicine. It is primarily an Eastern approach to health and healing, although it incorporates effective techniques from around the world. It works with the"invisible" or "subtle" energies of the body's nine energy systems (see sidebar). Just as we know that x-ray, magnetic, radio, solar, and other types of energies exist by seeing their effect, our bodies also have invisible or subtle energies as well. If I can't see the energy you're working on, how do I know if there's a problem and whether it's been corrected?.
Donna Eden is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine. She has trained certified Energy Medicine practitioners and addressed audiences around the world and is consulted frequently within both traditional and alternative health care settings. Together with David Feinstein she has coauthored Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body's Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality; Energy Medicine for Women; and The Promise of Energy Psychology. For more information on Donna Eden-her self-help classes, books, audiotapes, and video training programs-visit Innersource.
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