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Trinity Holistic Health And Training Designed for small groups - up to seven people - to in ensure proper technique and maximum results. We are relentless in choosing the exercises, stretches, and mobilizations in your program that are specifically for you.
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In 2006, Chris Wall started at a 1,200 square foot building he had just leased on Perkins Road in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. With immeasurable excitement, he grabbed a paint brush and got to work. At the time, Chris was the only employee and in addition to training clients, he was the janitor, the bookkeeper, marketing director, the receptionist and every other role a young business requires.
Understanding a holistic health philosophy means you recognize that all of the body's systems are highly integrated. The health of one system - or lack thereof - has a direct effect on the function and health of the other systems of the body and overall physiology. To truly reach our potential of health and vitality, we must have a healthy musculoskeletal system, nervous system, hormonal system, endocrine system, and optimal nutrition to support our physiology.
Trinity has a very broad scope of services due to our holistic methodology. We believe that each system of the body - musculoskeletal, neurological, hormonal, endocrine system, etc. - is highly integrated and dependent on one another.
Those are just three things client Nicole LaNasa found when she called Trinity after experiencing low back pain and hip pain. April Hingst has been a personal training client of Trinity for just over a year. For April, she likes the structure of an accountability partner who pushes her in her workouts.
Reviews (2)
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Brenda Keene
Nov 03, 2019
Love these guys and especially the owner Chris and Candyse. Clean and capable!
L. Crowder
Nov 05, 2016
I'm totally loving my experience here! The trainers are knowledgable and attentive. I believe in the methods and the proof is in the results I'm seeing and feeling! I highly recommend this place if you are looking to improve general fitness or even if you are fit and looking to improve a particular element!