Chiropractic care is an effective method of treatment for many people who suffer from back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Dr. Craig Tarini and Dr. Laura Bertram carefully assess each patient by using modern diagnostic procedures. Treatment generally focuses on manual spinal manipulation, also called chiropractic adjustments. At the heart of the chiropractic care philosophy is this simple wisdom: treat the problem itself, not just the symptoms. Chiropractic is your gateway to better health.
At Gateway Chiropractic Center your best care is our number one concern. We combine chiropractic and rehabilitation therapy to provide our patients with faster, longer-lasting relief from pain. The importance of prevention should not be overlooked. To achieve total wellness, we believe it is vital that you become involved in your own recovery.
There are various techniques and methods of adjusting' your spine which are safe and effective. Different techniques are appropriate for different people at different times. Each chiropractic adjusting technique used at Gateway Chiropractic Center is approved for use in Wisconsin, and both Dr. Laura and Dr. Craig have extensive training and experience in these techniques. The techniques offered are considered to be part of the Palmer Package (which are those taught at Palmer College of Chiropractic).
At the heart of our chiropractic philosophy is this simple wisdom: treat the problem itself, not just the symptoms. If you only look at the symptoms, the underlying problem is still there and will keep surfacing until it is corrected. Chiropractic care is an effective method of treatment for many people who suffer from back pain, neck pain, headaches and many other disorders related to the body's neuromusculoskeletal system.
Reviews (2)
Vivian Walker
May 14, 2020
Chris Colbert
Mar 24, 2017