Evergreen Acupuncture in Little Rock, Arkansas offers a full system of health care using a variety of ancient therapies that are supported by modern scientific research. Remedy acute or chronic ailments with tiny flexible needles that are placed at energetic pathways, known as meridians. Ancient Chinese herbal formulas are as effective now as when first introduced 2,000 years ago. As a teacher of Tai Chi and Qigong, Martin brings to his students years of training and practice in the martial arts. And his unique sense of humor makes us laugh.
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In your Oriental Medicine assessment, Martin will diagnose or differentiate your condition with a thorough examination. This will include an interpretation through your complaints, medical history, pulse, and tongue diagnosis. Methods of treatment vary by individual, but typically involve acupuncture and sometimes Chinese herbs.
Oriental Medicine is used not only for pain management, but also as a comprehensive system of health care and health maintenance. This is just a sample of commonly treated conditions. Of course, there are many more. However, like any form of medicine, Oriental Medicine is not based on "one treatment miracles."
Welcome to Inner Flow Tai Chi at Unity Martial Arts! Tai Chi Chuan (taijiquan) is a traditional Chinese martial art that is also practiced for health, balance, and vitality due to its slow, graceful forms and concentration on inner awareness, relaxation, balance and strength. Chi Kung (qigong) is the practice of increasing and conserving your vital life energy through slow minimal movements and breathing.
Reviews (2)
Fritzie Vammen
Aug 16, 2020
Ed Ness
Oct 11, 2014