We strive to help you discover what conditions are causing you discomfort, and how to heal them through acupuncture and natural medicine. Healing Better Acupuncture was created from a need as an acupuncturist, to help mainly 3 groups of people in the areas of Dr Phillips and City of Orlando, FL; athletes, females, and anybody in pain or stress.
Treating these conditions with Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and Chinese herbs have proven to be a very successful natural alternative. We treat the body holistically looking at diet, exercise, posture and other factors that can be contributing to your complaint.
Treating these conditions with Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and Chinese herbs have proven to be a very successful natural alternative. We treat the body holistically looking at diet, exercise, posture and other factors that can be contributing to your complaint.
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Many gynecological issues consist of irregular menstruation, psychological symptoms and pain. By stimulating the nervous system and brain, acupuncture can help the body to self-regulate hormone levels and restore health. Chinese Medicine and/or acupuncture are mainly known for its effectiveness in treating pain.
All my life I dreamt of the day I would hold my own child in my arms. We completed all the test and nothing was found to be "physically wrong" so we started the process of IUI. Upon the third unsuccessful try, we were told that our only option would be IVF. I chose to seek a second opinion as well as a more natural approach.
Reviews (13)
The Pirate
Feb 13, 2022
Dr. R. Perez. Well. ok. ok. I did my homework. I searched online & social media about acupuncture benefits and Who is creditable. Dr. Perez is highly praised by the interweb world society {that's me saying I looked up Dr. Perez being mentioned in social media} I was truly unfamiliar with the many benefits of acupuncture until my 1st visit, Now this being my 2nd I must elaborate this experience.
Ready for it? It was. Like. AMAZING AGAIN. Dr. Perez is so willing to answer questions (even the intimate uncomfortable questions). UHM not that I had any at all. I'm just saying. LMAO. Honestly if there where more star's Dr. Perez would received them all from me. I honestly & truly recommend Dr. Perez. Don't take my words for it. Make that appointment and experience the benefits yourself.
Also don't be shy expressing the AMAZING Experience you will receive from Dr. Perez. If your reading this & made it up to here? Thank you & Make Life Fun For Yourself & Other's. Dino 2022
Ready for it? It was. Like. AMAZING AGAIN. Dr. Perez is so willing to answer questions (even the intimate uncomfortable questions). UHM not that I had any at all. I'm just saying. LMAO. Honestly if there where more star's Dr. Perez would received them all from me. I honestly & truly recommend Dr. Perez. Don't take my words for it. Make that appointment and experience the benefits yourself.
Also don't be shy expressing the AMAZING Experience you will receive from Dr. Perez. If your reading this & made it up to here? Thank you & Make Life Fun For Yourself & Other's. Dino 2022
Debbie Amos
Dec 21, 2019
Very good at his job and kind. I recommend him 100%. I had never had acupuncture done before and wanted to have it done. I tried it while on vacation. I wish I lived closer to him because id go as much as I could. Fantastic experience. He is so knowledgeable, caring and helpful. I was so suprised at the care and time he took addressing my concerns. I would ho back in a heartbeat. Thank you so much
Alejandra M.
Oct 30, 2019
Lb Accor
Sep 28, 2019
Cathy Fischer
Jul 27, 2019
Brick Bell
Jul 14, 2019
Dr. Perez is AMAZING! I have been going to him for a few years now. He has helped me with anxiety to acid reflux and indigestion problems. Also, my bad back problems. He is very kind and caring. Also, he is so easy to talk to. More than willing to listen and help. When I leave after my treatment, I'm a new man! Don't hesitate, make an appointment!
Robert P.
Jul 11, 2019
Today was my first visit.have had acupuncture before. I am thrilled to have found Dr Perez. Actually took time to listen to me and explain what he was doing. Bedside manner is everything to me. Will for sure post progress report moving forward. I definitely feel Spiritual connection and was guided to him for a reason. Stay tuned. Be well.go get healed.
Selena Ambush
May 22, 2019
Dr. Perez is an excellent physician. Not only is he skilled, he is both patient and thoughtful in his work. I was in Dr. Perez's care for a year and half for one particular issue but, during that time, his treatments helped to alleviate other complaints and problems. I had received acupuncture previously, but I would say that Dr. Perez's approach provided for the most longevity between treatments and left me with definable positive results.
Teresa Freeman
Apr 23, 2019
Dema Rehab & Injury Clinic
Feb 13, 2019
Rebekah Duncan
Jan 06, 2019
I saw Dr. Rudek for fertility. My husband and I had been trying to conceive for several years and we're just beginning our IVF journey. I didn't respond well to the medication during my first cycle and ended up canceling it. My fertility doctor put me on some supplements and that's when I called Rudek. He supplemented what my fertility doctor prescribed with Chinese herbs and acupuncture.
We decided to do it for 3 months before trying IVF again. Our next IVF cycle was successful and we had a healthy and HAPPY BABY girl. I will always attribute the success of our first compete IVF cycle to his intervention. Dr. Rudek is personable, caring, and professional. I recommend him to everyone I know.
We decided to do it for 3 months before trying IVF again. Our next IVF cycle was successful and we had a healthy and HAPPY BABY girl. I will always attribute the success of our first compete IVF cycle to his intervention. Dr. Rudek is personable, caring, and professional. I recommend him to everyone I know.
Danielle Commarota
Oct 29, 2016
Doug Parra
Nov 04, 2015