Treatment is provided by our experienced and knowledgeable licensed Chiropractor. Dr. Cass examines and treats all patients, providing a high level of evidence based health care.
Follow us
We are conveniently located just 1 block east of Menards in Golden Valley (55426, 55427, 55422) off of 394. Take a RIGHT on Xenia, turn LEFT on Laurel, turn LEFT on Florida Ave and our building is on the left. The information provided in this website is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment.
The above hours are guidelines. Other times may be available upon request. Call 952-928-8735, or use our online Easy Scheduler above right, to schedule an appointment. The information provided in this website is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment. Consult a licensed health care provider for further information.
Cass Chiropractic Center is affordable. You will find our services very affordable and cost effective. Whether you have health insurance coverage or not, HSA's, Flex Plans, high deductibles and or copays, we want everyone to benefit from Chiropractic Care. We accept cash, personal checks, debit cards and all major credit cards.
Located on the border of Golden Valley and St. Louis Park, Cass Chiropractic Center has been helping people in the Golden Valley, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis, Edina, Hopkins and Twin Cities areas, with their back care, for more than 24 years. Founded in 1993 by Dr. Steven Cass, our commitment to quality evidence based health care continues to this day.
Reviews (2)
Cesar Dominguez
Nov 07, 2017
Amy R.
Jul 16, 2016
I've been going to Dr. Cass, as needed, for several years. He's terrific! I'm female, 59 years old and much more than just a weekend athlete. I work out 5 or 6 times a week. I do a lot of cardio, 45 to 90 minutes per session. I recently began weight training because I'm concerned about bone density issues as I get older. I'm generally in very good shape, but in June I suffered extreme pain on one side and felt my left hip lock up.
The pain was agonizing.the kind that takes your breath away. I visited Dr. Cass, and, although I hadn't been to see him in a couple of years, he treated me like an old friend as he got caught up on my medical history. He did a thorough musculoskeletal exam and asked many pertinent questions to figure out the source of my pain. We identified what he thought would most likely be the causes: switching to a running shoe that was too severe for me and also overdoing certain activities that were stressing out my right knee and thus my opposing left hip.
I visited two or three times a week and in less than a month my problem was solved. I kept working out during those weeks, but I modified my routines. I'm pain free now. In addition to fixing the immediate pain issues, Dr. Cass gave me what proved to be outstanding advice on muscle recovery, required days of rest, and core strengthening activity.
I followed his advice and know with certainty that it contributed to my quick recovery. Some people might be skeptical about chiropractic care because they've heard that chiropractors "oversell" them on the amount of visits that will be needed to correct their problems. Dr. Cass is not that way at all. He's not going to insist that you return X number of visits over X number of weeks.
His goal is to help you to function without pain and there is no definitive number of visits required to do that. I will definitely return to him as needed because I know that I can rely on him and trust him.
The pain was agonizing.the kind that takes your breath away. I visited Dr. Cass, and, although I hadn't been to see him in a couple of years, he treated me like an old friend as he got caught up on my medical history. He did a thorough musculoskeletal exam and asked many pertinent questions to figure out the source of my pain. We identified what he thought would most likely be the causes: switching to a running shoe that was too severe for me and also overdoing certain activities that were stressing out my right knee and thus my opposing left hip.
I visited two or three times a week and in less than a month my problem was solved. I kept working out during those weeks, but I modified my routines. I'm pain free now. In addition to fixing the immediate pain issues, Dr. Cass gave me what proved to be outstanding advice on muscle recovery, required days of rest, and core strengthening activity.
I followed his advice and know with certainty that it contributed to my quick recovery. Some people might be skeptical about chiropractic care because they've heard that chiropractors "oversell" them on the amount of visits that will be needed to correct their problems. Dr. Cass is not that way at all. He's not going to insist that you return X number of visits over X number of weeks.
His goal is to help you to function without pain and there is no definitive number of visits required to do that. I will definitely return to him as needed because I know that I can rely on him and trust him.