Dr. Dooley is a licensed medical doctor practicing classical homeopathy, sometimes known as constitutional prescribing. It is a system of therapy in which very small non-toxic doses of natural medicines are prescribed to stimulate a healing reaction in a person. Remedies are individualized based on a person's physical, mental and emotional characteristics.
In homeopathic practice, it's not a cliche to say that the whole person is treated. Dr. Dooley has an ND degree from National College of Naturopathic Medicine (1978) and an MD degree from Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine (1989).
In homeopathic practice, it's not a cliche to say that the whole person is treated. Dr. Dooley has an ND degree from National College of Naturopathic Medicine (1978) and an MD degree from Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine (1989).
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which uses very small non-toxic doses of natural medicines to stimulate a healing reaction in a person. In homeopathic practice, it's not a cliche to say that the whole person is treated. To accomplish this you'll find that I spend more time with you than most doctors -the first visit may be one and a half hours.
Reviews (2)
Yousra Elbanna
Apr 04, 2021
Linda Wieland
Apr 24, 2016